Organisation »
Please meet some of our staff. It takes a special breed to work with us. We owe our success to their dedication and their passion.

Fame, manager customer retention: "I never kept a single customer".
Britt, manager investor relations: "In no way will our absence of activities be an impediment to an IPO".
Welcome to OUWER
Ouwer is a brandnew company in the Netherlands with no activities. Being a company with no activities is quite a challenge in a market awash with competition. We aim to be the best in what we do. We position ourselves in the upper segment of the no-activity market.
How is it possible that such a small start-up can be one of the recognized leaders in their market? This is because of our unique staffing concept. First Ouwer has no people employed, only dogs. This means that each member of our staff has four legs, which makes them twice as efficient. Second, we have no CEO. Senior management in companies tends to be active and take decisions. By eliminating this threat we will stay focussed on our sweet spot in the market. Third we pay no salaries. This ensures a lean and mean operation with a minimal bun-rate.
OUWER: Leaders in non-activity
Currently we are looking for new non-customers. If you are interested in not becoming our customer you can contact us at:
Feedback »
Although Ouwer has no activities we have lots of satisfied non-customers.

Malcolm o' Neal: "I can really recommend Ouwer. They are friendly, reliable and never deliver".

Tiffany Jones: "For me one thing is for sure: Ouwer is great not to work with". |